Comparison Table


Available in the free version

Available in a paid account

  • [1] Overall

    Scores are based on average of scoring above – You should not base your decision solely on the average scores as there are many qualitative / subjective factors that you should consider prior to deciding.  Our scoring is to help you narrow your choices, then you should always test out at least 2 of the website builders to see which one you are comfortable with before investing your time and money.

  • [3] Design Flexibility

    Refers to flexibility of where you can place content, access to HTML / CSS codes to make further customizations, or extent of tools provided by website builder to make modifications to design. Refers to flexibility of where you can place content, access to HTML / CSS codes to make further customizations. or extent of tools provided by website builder to make modifications to design.

  • [2] Websites Powered

    Number of websites powered (in millions) by each website builder is based on publicly available information.  This does not necessarily equal to the number of active websites, or number of paying customers, but will give you an indication of its size.

  • [4] Themes

    Squarespace themes are responsive and polished – by far the best amongst its peers.  Wix has a very large library of professionally designed themes that spans across a lot of different industries, so it’s easy to find one that’s suitable for you. Weebly is gradually releasing more updated themes.

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